My beautiful spools of Lombard S.A. Rayon!! $6 at the flea market! |

But I have become hopelessly addicted to Instagram! It has the added convenience of posting directly to my Twitter and Facebook, which takes all the work of updating away! Unfortunately, it doesn't post to the blog, so I'm stuck updating this on my own. I've been up to a lot the last week, though. I've branched out my bead items, and I'll post more on them later. My carpal tunnel syndrome is flaring up, and my wrist brace makes it super hard to type.
If you'd like to keep up with my updates on a regular basis, follow me on your favorite social network. To the right are links to my
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The flea market was a bust today, but I did pick up some gorgeous rayon thread from a former crafter. I meant to use it for a project, but since I couldn't remember what project that was, I decided to pass the time at the flea market making knotted bracelets. I only bought two spools to start with, and once I made my first bracelet and realized how beautiful the rayon was as a bracelet, I went back and bought all the rest and only spent $6! I also bought twelve little skeins of embroidery floss from another lady for only $2.
Bracelet in progress |
I got eight bracelets done at the flea market, and those are
posted to my shop. For only @2 each, with FREE shipping, you get a randomly chosen bracelet from the batch in the photos. If you'd like a particular bracelet, just message me to ask about availability. No two of them are alike, but I have a limit of colors, so the one you receive may be similar to another, but still one of a kind!